Prepare to be heard

Homily of the month

You’ve got this

Remember this important truth on your life’s journey. You are not alone. You are surrounded by love. In your successes and in your failures, you have this love to draw on, writes Patrice Tuohy in PREPARE THE WORD's featured homily for graduation.

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Special occasion: Graduation

ON THE DAY of a Girls on the Run 5K race that marks the end of a weeks-long afterschool program dedicated to building self-confidence, empathy, an inner strength through physical training, a young girl with Down Syndrome named Hannah lined up with hundreds of other eager runners ready to conquer the day. At the sound of the starting gun, the pack began moving en masse through the designated trail, the elite runners quickly moved to the lead; others paced themselves, determined to clock their best time; and at the back of the pack were the younger runners and those with special challenges. Among the final stragglers was Hannah, who had started out strong but slowed to snail’s pace by the first mile.

With two more miles to go, words of encouragement from her running buddy were no longer motivating her. Hannah plopped down on a curb and refused to budge. The running buddy was about to call it a day, when up from the rear, another running buddy, from another school running alongside a less stressed runner, called out, “Hey, there. What’re you doing? Come on now. It’s time to run! You’ve got this!” Surprised by the special attention, Hannah pulled herself up and began to trot along the course. By mile two, she was flagging and dragging. But her old and new running buddies assured her, “Hannah! You’ve got this!” And so it went until the last quarter mile when young Hannah could barely move one foot in front of another. All she wanted to do was quit, but the crowd urged her on. With each step closer to the finish, spectators and runners were calling out, “Hannah, you’ve got this!” And, indeed much to everyone’s glee and Hannah’s great amazement, she crossed the finish line. She had done it. She accomplished what she set out to do—what she had trained all school year to do. She was a Girl on the Run with a 5K race to prove it!

TODAY, GRADUATES, you sit here before us basking in your own stellar accomplishments. You worked hard to get here. There were undoubtedly challenges and struggles along the way. Perhaps you plopped yourselves down a time or two and refused to cram for one more test, write one more report, or complete one more project. Perhaps you needed extra encouragement and shout-outs to get moving again. And though you may not have been aware of it, there were crowds silently shouting, “You’ve got this!”—your parents, grandparents, family members, friends, teachers, and yours truly! So many people were in your corner. So many people saw your potential and your determination. So many people were hopeful you would get to this day.

Remember this important truth on your life’s journey. You are not alone. You are surrounded by love. In your successes and in your failures, you have this love to draw on.

And now, here you are, graduates. Ready to move on to the next chapter in your lives. But before you get too caught up in the challenges that lie ahead, delight in the glory of this moment. Be proud of the milestone you and your classmates have achieved. Your strength, commitment, and perseverance are admirable and awe-inspiring. We are all very proud of you. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it. You have proven to everyone, but most especially to yourself, that you have what it takes to make your way in the world.

During the Easter season, all of the readings remind us that we are not alone: God is for us, Jesus is always at our side, and the Holy Spirit is our ever-present advocate and coach. Remember this important truth on your life’s journey. You are not alone. You are surrounded by love. In your successes and in your failures, you have this love to draw on. And the good news about love is that it is renewable. If you feel you are not receiving enough love, then give a little love, and soon you’ll find there is enough love to go around.

Let your choices reflect that love. Don’t believe the lie that God doesn’t exist. That no one cares. That the world is a dark place. As Saint John Paul II reminded us, “We are an Easter people!” We have witnessed the truth. We know that God is with us and God is love. And everywhere you turn, you can see the presence of that love, in your family, friends, teachers, coaches, and mentors—in the love they have for you and the love you feel for them.

Use the energy of that love to be a cheerleader for others when they most need it, and when you most need it, remember all of us here today, filled with so much love and joy for you, cheering you on, assuring you every step of the way that “You’ve got this!”

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